A new generation organic input for the effective management of wide range of diseases like Mildews (Both Powdery and Downey), Fruit rots, Sheath
No Virus
A very effective prophylactic and curative organic input for the management of viral infections in all the commercially important crops. No Virus reduces
Authentic Nematerm
The sure shot organic solution for the soil borne Nematode infestations in any crop. Authentic Nematerm gives long term protection
No Minor
A specific organic solution for the damage done by leaf miners in many crops. It is very effective and also long lasting on the crop in controlling the damages by…
A unique organic liquid formulation that brings down the damage of rice crop due to the infestation of Brown Plant Hoppers within 36 hours
A novel organic input for the management of sucking pest, Mealy bug effectively for a long period. It is a very versatile product for any crop
Sucking Out
A novel herbal extract that effectively wards off the problems of a wide range of sucking pests infestation in crops both in open fields and Poly houses
A unique combination of herbal extracts liquidthat reduce the infestations of both thrips and mites and keeps the crops free of these sucking pests for a longer
White Buster
A novel herbal extract that effectively wards off the problems of White Fly infestation in crops both in open fields and and Poly houses for a longer period.
Soil Terra
An organic way of reducing the menace of soil borne pests that are commercially very potential yield reducers.